Yellowstone Fishing

Yellowstone Park resides on the continental divide which feeds eight or more rivers and even more notable creeks that rush downhill trying to make their ways to the ocean. Coming the complete opposite direction are 12 species of native fish fighting the powerful currents to get back home to spawn. Rainbows and cutthroats in excess of 25 inches sound like a fairytale. With so many choices and secret fishing holes, hiring a guide is the only way to go to get the granddaddy cutthroat of your dreams. Knowing where to go and what they are biting on can be tricky. Your guide will help you get the excitement flowing without beating around the bush.
Guided trips are offered on many waterways in and around the park with several daily and multi-day options. Full day guided fly fishing trips with only 2 or 3 anglers to 1 guide are the norm. This intimacy creates the opportunity for seclusion and personal interaction and advice. For day trippers who would like a twist, a combined horseback riding and fishing trip makes for an easier day. Full day fishing by horse is a great combination. Many people choose to repeat one of these full day options consecutively to different locations to take advantage of the horse opportunity and to fish in a variety of waters.

For the serious anglers with a taste for exploration, multi-day fishing trips can give a unique perspective on Yellowstone Park. Multi-day horseback pack trips with fishing as the focus can't be beat. Imagine traveling in a small horseback pack group, fording streams and traveling to a variety of waters all to give you a sampling of some of the best blue ribbon streams and dry fly fisheries in the world. Multi-day pack trips range from 2-8 days for most adventures, but any duration can be accommodated. For groups made up of anglers and non-anglers, day rides to various peaks, landmarks and scenic overlooks are available while the anglers fish. Some anglers have more of an interest in backpacking as opposed to horseback travel. Backpacking/fishing trips for up to 10 days will put you in survival mode while you earn your way to the edge of these famous waters.
Yellowstone Park is an angler's paradise. Several rivers and streams meander through the pristine valleys of Yellowstone. There are many fishing opportunities in every corner of the vast outreaches of the park.

Speak with one of our helpful reservations agents and book your Yellowstone activities today!